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SMDC Crowley Building Remediation

WWC assisted with the remediation of the Crowley Building in Lewistown, Montana through the EPA Brownfields program. The three-story commercial structure was built in 1913 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, but contained hazardous building materials such as asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and lead-based paint (LBP) that required remediation prior to renovation. WWC coordinated with SMDC, the EPA, the architectural firm, two non-profit organizations, and their general contractors to successfully abate ACM and LBP present in multiple building materials. The project included the abatement of mercury thermostats and switches; ACM present in sheetrock joint compound and texture, floor tiles, window glazing compound, membrane roofing tar, vermiculite insulation, transite panels, Aircell pipe insulation, and segmented boiler sealant; and the abatement of LBP present on the window sashes and frames; plaster wall surfacing; interior structural posts; the historic tin ceiling and the exterior frieze on the front of the building. The renovation preserved the historical integrity of the building and allowed for the first floor and basement to be renovated as a non-profit community health clinic, while the second and third floor were remodeled to provide low-income housing.

Project Details:

Lewistown, MT

Snowy Mountain Development Corporation

Environmental, Industrial / Commercial, and Infrastructure


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